Thursday, December 9

i hate this !

Today, I was told that I'm living in an haunted house o.O
since when?
I never ever heard about this sort of thing in my house.
cant sleep alone in my room anymore.


Anonymous said...

OMG!! May Allah Protect you and your family InshAllah. What's with Singapore and Malaysia and jinns?!

Alhamdulilah there is hardly any haunted houses in Australia hahaha

- Rohila

Asma' Husna said...
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Atip said...

keh2.. kecot

Asma' Husna said...

i know yeah. but i have to admit... sometimes I felt scared in oz too . but not that much compared to in Malaysia -.- HAHAHA. what a coward :P :D

Asma' Husna said...

ceh luqman -.- at least aku x kecut nk ngaku. :DD

Asma' Husna said...

ceh luqman -.- at least aku x kecut nk ngaku. :DD

kAu & Aku said...

haha. . jgn takut la~

Atip said...

oh mlwn.... elek r.... die x kaco anak dara org

Anonymous said...

Well you've experienced it before so if your scared it's understandable.


Amilah said...

The ghost in the poooooool. Cube mandi sorang2, tetibe ade je bende keluar :\

Farah Hanim Mohd Alwi said...

ade tag ~ :D

Anonymous said...
