Thursday, December 9

i hate this !

Today, I was told that I'm living in an haunted house o.O
since when?
I never ever heard about this sort of thing in my house.
cant sleep alone in my room anymore.

Wednesday, December 8

from a friend to a friend

First I was dying to finish my high school and start college
and then I was dying to finish college and start working
Then I was dying to marry and have children
and then I was dying for my children
to grow old enough
so I could go back to work
and then I was dying to retire
and now I am dying...
And suddenly I realized
I forgot to live

Please don't let this happen to you
Appreciate your current situation
and enjoy each day

To make money we lose our health,
and then to restore our health we lose our money
We live as if we are not going to die
and we die as if we never lived

dedicated to q. Nur

Welcome 2011 !


bru kt bwh ni post psl masok 2010. skrg dh wat post utk 2011. dh lame x bkk.
FEBRUARY 2011. ade hari istimewa.. ;)